Friday, August 30, 2013

Poetry Clubs In Chicago Illinois

Finding poetry clubs these days is not always the easiest thing to do, but in a city like Chicago, where every art medium is represented, th...

Update Microsoft Word Fonts

Update MS Word fonts by downloading new fonts and installing them. Fonts add personality to a document. Professional o...

Use The Stipple Effect In Drawing

Use graphite pencils to create an unusual but detailed pencil sketch. The stippling effect creates images that look as though they were cre...

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Why Lighting Is Important To The Theatre

The lighting designer is one of the most important people involved in the production of a play, and one of the most under-appreciated. In m...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Stage A Beauty Pageant

Generally, winners of a beauty pageant are awarded crowns, or tiaras. The concept of a beauty pageant or beauty contest dates back over 200 ...

Understand Postmodernism

Postmodernism means literally "after the modern." It means many different things to many different people. Postmodernism is not a...

Write A Poem In Octavesestet Form

Petrarch italian sonnet Back in the 1420s, a gentleman by the name of Francesco Petrarch came up with the sonnet form of writing poetry. A s...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Instructions To Wash An Oil Painting

Oil paintings need to be cleaned occasionally to remove built-up dust. Grime and dust tend to build up on oil paintings, which causes them t...

Use Acrylic Art Paint

Acrylic art paint, pigment in a polymer emulsion, was introduced to the public by Liqutex in the 1960's. It was developed to have the co...

Monday, August 26, 2013

Turn Your Photos Into A Greeting Card

Friends and family will love receiving cards made from your photos. Greeting cards made from your own photographs are much more personal tha...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Turn A Shed Into An Art Studio

Keeping art supplies organized is essential to working in a small space. Turning a shed into an art studio is an excellent way to give yours...

List Of The Black Comedians On Comedy Central

Dave Chappelle had a popular sketch show on Comedy Central . Although Comedy Central is mostly known for "South Park" and "Th...

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Purple Mixed Drinks

Cocktails with bright colors like purple are popular at clubs and parties because they are conversation starters. These mixed drinks often c...

Reverse Painting Technique On Lamps

Use enamel paint for reverse painting on a lamp. Reverse painting requires thinking differently about the image as the viewable image is act...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Seal An Oil Painting

Oil paint can take up to six months to dry. A popular medium for many artists -- oil paints -- give a thick, bold and glossy appearance to p...

State Parks Near Dolly Sods West Virginia

There are several state parks near the Dolly Sods Wilderness. The Dolly Sods Wilderness area is located in West Virginia within the Monongah...

Troubleshoot A Guitar That The High E String Goes Dead When Bent Above The 12th Fret

Looking at your guitar from the side can sometimes reveal whether the bridge is the problem. Usually, when a guitar or other stringed instru...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Trick The Eye To See Three Dimensions

Learn trick your eyes into seeing a hidden 3-D image. A "stereogram" is a two-dimensional image that tricks the eye to see someth...

Transfer Piano Music To Bagpipe Music

Piano to bagpipe--music content reduced to essentials To transcribe and render piano music playable on bagpipes is a challenge. Knowledge of...

Monday, August 19, 2013

Write The Alphabet In Street Art

A jagged style of street art has hard edges. Graffiti, an art form that dates back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Greece, is most...

Transfer Decorative Painting Designs To Glass Ornaments

Transfer Decorative Painting Designs to Glass Ornaments Decorative glass ornaments hang from holiday trees, doorways, windowsills and ceilin...

Friday, August 16, 2013

Train Your Voice For Singing

Train Your Voice for Singing A night on the town listening to your favorite local artist may leave you with the idea that you could use your...

Train To Be A Samurai

In order to train to be a samurai, you must be willing to devote your entire life to service, training and the samurai code of Bushido. The ...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Teach Drama To Adults

Drama, from the Greek word meaning "action," is the art of acting, whether live onstage in theaters or for the camera. There are m...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

List Of Pageant Talents

Pageant talent is an important part of the competition. When competing in a pageant, it's important to be unique. Your talent can set yo...

Types Of Font Styles

There are hundreds of font styles and sub-categories. Font styles describe a collection of different fonts which have a similar style or tha...

The Difference In Conventional Vs Hvlp Spray Guns

HVLP guns produce less pollution than conventional spray guns. Conventional spray guns use a compressor to atomize the paint particles, wit...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Advantages Of A Composite Rifle Stock

Composite stocks are used in most newer rifles, especially military models. The stock of a rifle is the part that rests against the shoulde...

Scholarships & Grants For Art

Art majors may take advantage of a number of scholarship and grant opportunities. A career as a professional artist typically requires talen...

Monday, August 12, 2013

Tole Paint On Glass

Tole painting on glass produces one-of-a-kind objects. Tole painting is a form of folk art decorative painting that comes from Germany and S...

Tile Travertine

Travertine is a form of marble tile that has pockmarks and holes running over the flat surface, the result of natural mineralization of the ...

Friday, August 9, 2013

Thicken Latex Paint

Latex paint is used to paint interior walls . Latex paint is water-based and contains latex. Latex paint is commonly used for interior walls...

Instructions For Paint Oil Portraits

You can paint a portrait in neutral tones If you're just starting out with portrait oil painting, you should have basic drawing and oil ...

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Slam Dance

Slam Dance Slam dancing is a rock show pastime that is a form of bonding and a means for releasing aggression for those who attempt it. Sla...

Tie Double Knots

When you tie things into knots such as fishing line , rope, ribbons and even shoelaces there are differing techniques to use. Regardless of ...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Skills Required To Become A Singer

Technically, opening your mouth and making sounds at various frequencies is all that is required to become a singer. To become a great, famo...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tie A Multifold Overhand Knot

Tie a Multifold Overhand Knot Knots are an often utilized, under-appreciated part of our lives. Whether we tie our shoe laces, are into Macr...

Theater Lighting Training

Learning types and functions of lighting instruments. You can get your theater lighting training in a formal college theater program or thr...

Monday, August 5, 2013

Write Slam Poetry

Write Slam Poetry Slam poetry is an increasingly more popular form of poetry and one that is gaining recognition in academic poetry public...

Run A Guerrilla Marketing Program

Run a Guerrilla Marketing Program To offset the high costs of traditional marketing, business owners are developing guerrilla marketing prog...

Tie A Double Overhand Bend

A double overhand bend joins two lines together. Climbers use for tying cord, tape and webbing. The double overhand bend holds well when we...

Friday, August 2, 2013

Tie A Directional Figureofeight Loop For Climbing

A directional figure-of-eight loop is used for climbing. It's a load-bearing knot that is created so that the load can be carried paral...

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Use Photoshop Blur For Retouching

Who among us hasn't taken a photo that needed a little TLC? Using Photoshop's Blur Tool, you can soften hard edges, blur a distrac...