A double overhand bend joins two lines together. Climbers use for tying cord, tape and webbing. The double overhand bend holds well when wet, but it is difficult to untie once a load has been applied.
1. Call the rope on your left rope A and the line on your right rope B. Make an overhand loop with rope A such that the working end is on top of the standing end.
2. Pull the working end of rope A through the loop created in Step 1 from below which will produce a simple overhand knot. Be sure to leave the knot loose at this point.
3. Place the working end of rope B parallel to, but pointed in the opposite direction of rope A. Keep rope B on the inside of the loop and retrace the path of rope A in the opposite direction as described in the next step.
4. Pass the working end of rope B into the loop where the working end of rope A exits it. Twist it around the standing end of rope A and follow the loop of rope A. Bring the working end of rope B back around and then under the working end of loop A. Push rope B through the loop and out, keeping it alongside the standing end of rope A.
5. Tighten the double overhand bend by pulling the working end of rope A and standing end of rope B in one hand against the working end of rope B and standing end of rope A in the other hand.