Thursday, August 8, 2013

Slam Dance

Slam Dance

Slam dancing is a rock show pastime that is a form of bonding and a means for releasing aggression for those who attempt it. Slam dancing can also be slightly dangerous, so it would be wise to know a few basic things before attempting this hard core dance. Learn to slam dance the right way with these tips.


1. Find a rock or punk rock sattend. Check your local music scene paper or the web for show events.

2. Go to a rock show. Dress like the natives of the show, since often slam dancing is done at punk shows. The standard dress code is studded belts, spiked bracelets and dog chains.

3. Kick and punch the air while thrashing about. Slam dancing is about a release of aggression while the music is playing.

4. Find someone to slam your body into, use the side of your body and not your elbows to slam into someone else. This is communal slam dancing and is part of the general dance.

5. Continue to slam dance in this fashion until the end of a song. Give the people you were slam dancing with a "rock on" symbol and proceed to the next song.