Thursday, October 3, 2013

Use Capital Letters

There’s a time for everything, and that includes capitalizing words. If you want to know just when capitalization is called for in writing, read the steps below. Once you know the rules, memorize them. Getting them right will make a lasting impression. Getting them wrong will too.


1. Begin each sentence with a capital letter, including sentences inside quotation marks. Examples: The meeting will be held next week.What she said was, “Never call me in the morning.”

2. Use capital letters when a title includes a proper name or a numeral. Examples: Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Pope Paul III

3. Use a capital letter in the first word and all words of importance in titles published. Example: The Miracle Worker

4. Capitalize titles of people such as Senator Dean Skelos, and capitalize an important title without a name. Example: Vice President

5. Use a capital letter as the first letter of the days of the week and in months and holidays. Examples: Monday, February, and Easter

6. Use capital letters in the names of historical events, historical statues, historical monuments, and historical papers. Examples: The Boston Tea Party, The Liberty Bell, The Washington Monument, The United States Constitution.

7. Use capital letters in names that are of a geographical nature such as Mediterranean Sea and when writing building names like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

8. A capital letter should be the first letter in the name of an agency of the government. The names of institutions, company names, and the names of organizations should be capitalized as well. Examples: The Air Force, John Hopkins Medical Institution, Canon U.S.A., Organization for Security in Europe

9. When a noun is part of a name such as Calhoun High School, it should be capitalized.Use a capital letter in the case of a proper noun and in words that come from that proper noun. Examples: Texas and Texan

10. Use capital letters when naming religions, gods, and any language. Examples: Hindu and Buddha

11. Use capital letters in department names. Example: Department of Public Affairs

12. When Mom, Dad, Grandmother, or Grandfather is used in place of a name, the first letter is capitalized. Aunt and Uncle are also capitalized when a name follows.