Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Remove Book Stains

Books can acquire stains from everyday use. Commonly, the book owner will feel alarmed at having such a beloved treasure ruined by stains ranging from mildew to ink to wax, and each kind of stain requires a distinct approach. You can certainly reclaim your book from these unwanted blemishes by applying these methods.


Remove Book Stains

1. Wipe debris off the pages. Eraser filings and other debris can be swept aside with a brush or a piece of cloth. Chip away at congealed wax with a paring knife.

2. Erase pencil and ink markings with a common plastic eraser.

3. Apply fine sandpaper gently to markings that still remain. If the paper becomes thin, cease using the sandpaper. Don't use sandpaper on ink writing you want to keep.

4. Place some rubber cement on waxy stains. Roll the cement with your fingers over these stains, and the rubber cement should draw away the stain. This process might, however, harm any writing on the pages.

5. Treat mildew stains with diluted bleach, fungicidal spray, or lemon juice. Any clumps should be removed first by brushing them away. Copper napthenate will resist further mildew growth.