Understanding the meanings of the terms “site” and “cite” will help you to use them correctly and avoid embarrassing mistakes. Often the term “site” is used correctly, maybe because it is the most-used of the two. But don’t forget about the importance of “cite.”
1. Use “cite” to reference something or attribute to an authority, like a citation in an essay or book. You cite a quotation, meaning that you give credit to who said it or what was said.
2. Use “cite” in these instances. He cited the law in his argument to the court. She cited a line from a poem as an example in her essay.
3. Use “site” to mean a place. “Site” is a noun that refers to somewhere, like a building site or a website.
4. Use “site” in these instances. The proposed site of the new museum was unveiled today. That looks like a good site to build a house.