Friday, July 11, 2014

Tie Basic Macrame Knots

There are relatively few knots used in the creation of macrame. Master the basics and then move on to more complex knots.


1. Use a lark's head knot to mount your work onto your support dowel, cord or ring.

2. Fold the cord in half and place the loop made at the halfway point in front of your support. Take the loop behind and under the support dowel or cord. Place the two cord ends through the top of the loop and pull ends to tighten.

3. Use a reverse lark's head knot if you want to avoid the formation of a ridge below your support dowel, cord or ring.

4. Fold the cord in half and place the loop made at the halfway point behind your support. Bring the loop over the support and down. Place the two cord ends through the loop, from back to front, and pull ends to tighten.

5. See "Tie a Double Half Hitch Knot" and "Tie a Square Knot" for instructions on forming these knots. They are the two basic knots used in macrame.