Watercolor and pen and ink bring a unique quality to any painting. The pen and ink serves as the texture in the design while the watercolor adds interest to it. Use watercolor to color and shade the images and add a subtle blend of shading and texture with pen and ink. Watercolor should be applied first. Waterproof ink is added after the painting is completely dry.
1. Tape the paper to the surface securely. Apply the design to the surface using transfer paper and a pencil or by lightly sketching the design onto the paper. Put in as much detail as you need.
2. Put colors onto a palette and add water drops, brush mixing each color. Moisten the brush with clean water and paint the design. Allow each section to dry before painting adjacent sections.
3. When the entire design is finished and completely dry, reapply any lines that have vanished during painting or add detail lines, using the pencil or transfer paper again.
4. Start the process of inking the design, using variations of pen and ink techniques for this process. Cross-hatching, contouring, parallel lines and other inking techniques add dimension to a painting.
5. After the ink is completely dry, use a soft eraser to remove any visible pencil or transfer-paper lines.