Thursday, April 4, 2013

Repair Torn Pages

When you rip a page in a book, you have more options than just using regular tape.

Torn pages in a book can make the words completely unreadable. Even if a tear does not change the legibility of a page, it does destroy the book's value. While applying clear tape to the rip is acceptable for a quick fix, it can leave a reader looking for a permanent repair unsatisfied. Repair methods using archival repair tape and adhesive paste are both options for readers hoping to make their books whole again.


Archival Repair Tape Method

1. Place the two pieces of paper together, overlapping in the correct position so that the page looks normal again and all letters and words are legible.

2. Cut enough tape to cover the rip, but not more than necessary.

3. Place the tape over the tear.

4. Press the tape neatly over the tear.

Adhesive Paste Method

5. Put wax paper under the ripped page.

6. Arrange the two pieces of the page so that they look like they did before the tear.

7. Dip the brush in the adhesive paste. Brush the adhesive along the rip.

8. Place another piece of wax paper onto the newly applied adhesive.

9. Shut the book. Put a brick or another heavy object on top of the book.

10. Let the adhesive dry for at least one hour.

11. Peel off the wax paper, after the adhesive dries.