Solidify oil-based paints quickly and easily.
After painting the interior or exterior of a building there is usually a small amount of paint left over. If you decide not to keep the paint for later use, the problem becomes dispose of it properly. One of the best ways to dispose of oil-based paint it to solidify it, or turn it into a solid form. This prevents the paint from leaking out of the can and causing a more labor-intensive clean up.
1. Remove the lid from the can of oil-based paint and place the can in a well-ventilated area. A garage or outdoor location is best, but make sure the area is not accessible to children or pets. If you use a garage, turn on any available ventilation fans or open the windows to prevent the paint fumes from building up.
2. Add an absorbent material to the oil-based paint can to speed up the drying process. According to the City of Saginaw Michigan's website, some good items to use are cat litter or shredded newspaper. Add twice the amount of absorbent material as there is paint in the can.
3. Stir the contents of the can thoroughly with a paint stirrer to combine the paint and absorbent material.
4. Allow the open paint can to sit undisturbed until it completely solidifies, which can take up to 24 hours. Test the oil-based paint by sticking a paint stirrer into the top of it periodically. When the oil-based paint is completely solidified, you will not be able to push the paint stirrer into the paint.