Friday, February 1, 2013

Remove Car Wax Off Plastic Surfaces

Every proud automobile owner knows that a frequent wash and wax is one of the easiest ways to keep a car looking like new. While wax is great for your vehicle's paint, it can also cause permanent stains on plastic surfaces such as bumpers, car trim and moldings. If a recent car wash has led to wax finding its way onto plastic surfaces, you'll want to remove the stain before it has the chance to cause permanent damage.


1. Head to your pantry or local grocer. Get some peanut oil. If you don't have straight peanut oil, creamy peanut butter works just as well.

2. Test the peanut oil in an inconspicuous spot on the plastic to ensure it will not cause staining.

3. Apply the peanut oil directly to the stain . Use a brush to rub out the wax. Use a fair amount of elbow grease. Be careful not to damage the plastic.

4. Continue to apply peanut oil and scrub until the stain is completely gone. It may take several attempts to remove all of the car wax.

5. Use soap and water to clean off the peanut oil. Buff the area with a towel or rag until dry.

6. If peanut oil is unsuccessful, buy some car wax remover from an auto store. Follow the directions on the bottle to remove the stain.