Sunday, January 27, 2013

Write A Poem For A Mother In Law

Writing a poem for your Mother in Law doesn’t have to be hard. Even if you don’t get along the best in the world, there is still a way to write her a poem.


Write a Poem for Your Mother in Law

1. First, think of the good qualities your mother in law possesses and write them down on scratch paper. Is she smart, beautiful, or creative? Even some things that aren’t always thought of as good qualities can be inspiration for poetry. For example, if your mother in law is very single minded or driven, or if she is stubborn, you can work with that into your poem. If she’s possessive of your husband, you can write about her unending love for her children. You get the picture. Turn the negatives into positives!

2. Next, decide how you can work the above traits into poem form. String the words together with descriptive sentences. Ask your spouse about some times from his childhood to get inspiration for the poem. Apply one of the traits you listed to the memory and go from there.

3. Write at least three verses to the poem. Each verse should have two to five lines. It can rhyme or not, but it’s usually easier to make a rhyming poem, so if you are a beginner to poetry you may want to start with that type.

4. After you decide on the sentences and verses; put them in the correct order. Sometimes the way you write them doesn’t make as much sense as when you rearrange them. You will be able to tell if it flows correctly by reading it aloud.

5. Once you have the verses in the correct order and the poem sounds good to you, then you can add your own personal touches. You can type it into your computer and print it out on very nice paper to make into card form. Or, you can print it out and frame it. If you have very nice handwriting, you can do the same without the computer for an even more personal touch. Giving your mother in law a poem will go a long way towards winning her heart and support.