Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Writing Thank You Cards For Bereavement

Writing Thank You Cards for Bereavement

Etiquette for writing and sending thank you cards for expressions of sympathy follow a different form than most thank you card etiquette. When you feel you can approach what may seem like an enormous task, send simple cards expressing your gratitude. Write thank you cards for flowers, gifts and support, and for those who attended a funeral or memorial service, according to Thank You Note Samples.


1. Thank you notes for expressions of sympathy can be brief.

Ask a friend or loved one to help you perform the task of writing thank you notes. The people who love you know that you will need their support for a time.

2. Write a greeting for your thank you card. You may simply write "Dear" and the name of the person or family who expressed sympathy for your loss.

3. Express your gratitude. Expressions you might write include, "Thank you," "I am so grateful," and "We wish to express our gratitude."

4. Mention the recipient's expression of sympathy. If, for example, the person sent flowers to a memorial service, you might write, "We are so touched by the beautiful flowers you sent to (fill in deceased name) memorial service."

5. Finish with your signature. You may write, "Sincerely" or "Love," if the person is close to you, followed on the next line by your name or your family name.

6. Follow an example of a thank you card for bereavement. Such a note might read, "Dear Aunt Meghan,

Thank you for bringing dinner to our home last night. Your support meant so much. Love, Michael."