Elves can be easy to draw with practice.
Learning sketch an elf is not as hard as it may sound. Because elves are mythical creatures, there really is no wrong way to draw one. Their basic facial structure is like that of a human. As long as you make sure your elf has a funny, pointed hat and pointed ears to match, you can put any sort of face you want on your elf. So, grab your pencil and paper and follow these simple steps to sketching your elf.
1. Sketch a large "u" in the middle of your paper. This will serve as the elf's head. Close off the top of his head with a straight line. Now, from each side of his head, sketch a diagonal line upward, meeting above the middle of his head. It should look like the elf is wearing a triangle on his head. This is his hat.
2. Add the eyes. Just under the hat, sketch medium sized arches.Close them off at the bottom with a slightly arched line. This will give the effect that the elf's eyes are smiling. Within each eye, draw pupils. If you draw small pupils, this will give the elf a more alert look. Sketch larger pupils and you will give the elf a happier, more cartoon-like feature. Above each eye, you can draw arching eyebrows to match.
3. Draw the nose and mouth. Starting at a point just between the eyes, sketch a line sloping down and slightly to the left, until you come to the middle of the face. Then, draw a smaller line shooting directly to the right. His nose should look like you drew a tall, slanted "L." Since most elves are happy, the mouth that you will draw on the elf will be a big smile. To achieve a winning grin, start from one cheek and curve a line under the nose, ending at the other cheek. Repeat the same curve, but much lower this time, bringing the bottom of the mouth to just above the chin. You can fill the smile with some perfect square teeth, or leave it open with a slight lump for a tongue.
4. Give the elf some hair. Starting at the bottom of the elf's hat, on either side of his head, you can sketch curling loops outward to give the elf curly hair. Repeat this step until the desired thickness of hair is achieved.
5. Add the ears. Elf ears are not like human ears. Starting on the left side of the head, sketch a curving line upward from where the earlobe would be to where the top of the ear would be. Now, instead of continuing the curve to close off the ear, draw a line straight down, giving the ear a point at the top. This is how you draw an elf's ear. Repeat on the other side of the head, and add a few curves inside each ear for extra effect.