Use a Spray Gun With House Paint
If you've ever spent days--even weeks--painting your house by hand, you know what a tedious job it is. Using a paint spray gun cuts the job to mere hours, because you can paint all the siding on most homes in a day. If you have a helper to work ahead of you masking windows and moving things out of the way, it will go even faster. While a spray gun is a powerful machine, with a little practice you can get good spray "gun control" and you'll never want to paint your house by hand again.
1. Mask off windows, brick, decking and anything you don't want over-spray on. Use a hand masker, which applies masking tape and paper quickly and precisely.
2. Plug in the sprayer and flush the spray gun with water. Most sprayers are filled with mineral spirits to prevent inner parts from rusting while in storage.
3. Strain your paint through a paint strainer or old pair of nylons into a clean bucket. Even when using paint from freshly opened cans; it's not uncommon to find strings of dried paint and fine grit in the paint, which can clog up your filter and spray gun tip.
4. Thin the paint for spraying, if so indicated on the label. Some house paint should be thinned, at least for the first coat, while other formulas should be used without thinning.
5. Practice your spray gun technique on a scrap board or cardboard box before starting to paint your house. Holding the gun about 12 inches from, and perpendicular to, the surface, start moving your hand before pulling the trigger. Spray about a 3-foot section, then release the trigger just before you stop moving your hand.
6. Adjust the pressure, if the paint comes out with great force, or if it comes out in a weak stream leaving a streaky spray pattern. The pressure control knob is at the top of the motor housing on most sprayers.
7. Spray your house in sections, working from the top down. When working from a ladder, keep your body in between the rungs instead of leaning over.
8. Remove masking materials after all the paint has dried for at least one hour, or until it looks and feels dry.