Friday, September 19, 2014

Tips For A Silent Auction

A silent auction can be added to almost any event.

Hosting a silent auction is a great way to raise money for any cause, and may cost the organizer almost nothing to put on. Many companies and friends will be happy to donate a prize, as it can be a good marketing tool for them as well as make them feel that they are making a difference.

Strategic Positioning

Choose a place where people are likely to linger, such as when they are queuing for tickets, to ensure people spend as long as possible looking at the items that are being auctioned. It may also help to change their location during the event, to keep them in people's minds. "Location is everything in real estate and it's just as important in silent auctions," according to the website Fundraiser Help.

Describe the Items

Create an attractive looking page for each item in the auction, describing what it is, how much it usually retails for, any other relevant information and why everyone needs it and should bid on it. Fundraisers are often dimly lit, so use a large font. If the fundraiser is a seated dinner, make sure every table has at least one copy.

Attractive Display

Make sure the silent auction prizes are displayed attractively, in good light and in reach of people. A purpose built cabinet or podium is the ideal for objects, with mannequins or even models showing any clothes. If the items can not be displayed, a flight or activity for example, frame large photos of the prizes get potential bidders more excited. Allow people to touch the items, as this may encourage them to bid more.

Remind People

Many guests may intend to bid on an item, but get carried away with socializing and networking and run out of time. If there is a speaker at the event, ask him to highlight the benefits of bidding on the items, such as positive work done by the favored charity, as well as emphasizing how great the prizes are. Also remind people 30 minutes and 10 minutes before the auction closes.