Teach kids different watercolor techniques to paint the ocean.
Watercolor paints are a great way for kids to explore painting techniques in a fun, safe way. A variety of watercolor painting techniques can be used to create beautiful ocean scenes that are unique to each child. Watercolors are a diverse medium that can be altered to create light and dark shades, such as the different colors of the ocean. Watercolor paints are also great for kids because they are washable!
Wet on Wet
The wet on wet technique is using wet or watered down paint on wet watercolor paper. The paper can be partially or completely wet. You can even dip the entire paper in a sink of water. Be sure to tape the paper to a hard, flat surface before painting to keep the paper from curling as it dries. Next, use a paintbrush to apply wet paint to the paper. The colors will blur together, creating fuzzy edges much like the blending colors of ocean water. When the paper is dry, kids can add details to their ocean painting by using a black marker or pen.
Wet on Dry
The wet on dry technique is applying wet paint to dry paper. It allows more control over shapes and lines and is good for painting details. Use the wet on dry technique to create a controlled ocean scene. Kids can combine the wet on wet and wet on dry techniques to combine flowing and controlled-looking colors. First, use the wet on wet technique to paint the background of the painting. Once it is dry, use the wet on dry technique to add details.
Plastic Wrap
Paint a unique ocean scene using plastic wrap. Have the kids use the wet on wet technique to cover the entire paper with colors. Next, crumple up a sheet of plastic wrap and smash it into the paper while the paint is still wet. Do not move the plastic wrap. Set the painting aside for at least an hour, until the paint is dry. When dry, remove the plastic wrap to discover interesting lines and patterns in the paint. Use the wet on dry technique to add shapes and details to the ocean scene.
When salt is added to wet watercolors it creates starburst-like patterns. Have the kids use a pencil to lightly sketch an ocean scene on watercolor paper and then paint the ocean scene using the wet on wet technique. When the paint is still wet, sprinkle salt on the desired parts of the painting. Set the painting aside to dry. Once the painting is dry, lightly blow the dried salt off of the paper. Next use the wet on dry technique to add details to the ocean scene or try using a fine-point black pen to draw shapes and details on the ocean painting.