Friday, August 15, 2014

Thank You Writing Ideas

A thank-you note will put a smile on the recipient's face.

Most people love to receive gifts, but writing thank-you notes can be a chore. Sometimes recipients may be overwhelmed because of the volume of notes they need to write after a special celebration, illness, or event. Other times thank-you notes can be difficult to write because the recipient is not sure what to write or may not know the gift giver well. Nevertheless, it is important to show the proper appreciation by sending out a prompt thank-you note.

Children's Thank-you Notes

When children need to write thank-you notes, they may be more reluctant than adults to write notes or they may write very short ones. The younger a child is, the more likely it is that the parent will write the note. Nevertheless, children of any age should add their personal touch to the note and know why it is important to write. Young children can draw pictures on thank-you notes or sign their names if they are able. Read a finished note to a younger child so he understands the importance of being appreciative.

Shared Celebration Notes

Divide wedding thank-you notes so you and your spouse write to the guests you know best. Mention your appreciation to those who attended the wedding, and indicate your regrets to those that were unable to attend. Try to write five or 10 notes a day so they get out promptly. Enclose a wedding photograph in your note.

Large Celebration Notes

If you are writing thank-you notes for gift received for a party or large celebration, keep a list of guests and the gifts they gave. As you write notes, check off the guest's name so you remember you wrote the note. Select a specified number of notes that you intend to complete each week. If you have a lot of notes, consider keeping note paper, pens, and address labels in your car so you can write notes when you have a few free moments waiting in line or at a restaurant.

Creative Thank-yous

While you may usually write a paragraph thanking the giver, you can also use your creativity to say thanks with a drawing, a poem or lyrics. Include a picture of yourself using the gift so the giver sees that you are enjoying it. If you were given money, indicate how you intend to use it. You can also design your own cards by drawing, using clip-art or other materials.

Internet Notes

E-cards allow you to send a thank-you note via the Internet. This can be an inexpensive way to show your thanks without spending a fortune on stamps. Often e-cards will contain a general phrase or two expressing gratitude, but give you an opportunity to add your own personal note as well. E-cards save postage and are greener than traditional thank-you notes. However, they are probably more suited for gifts given for a less formal celebration or provided unexpectedly -- for example, as a thank-you for an act of kindness or to thank a co-worker for doing a nice job.