Colorful framed silk scarves can make beautiful art.
Silk, a classic fabric noted for its luxuriously soft, smooth texture, can be made into many articles of clothing. Silk scarves come in myriad colors, patterns, designs and shapes, and the crafts that can be created from these scarves offer endless possibilities. Silk can be used in all seasons, so let your creative skills take over when designing crafts from your collection of scarves.
Sarong Cover for Swimwear
Make a sarong as a cover-up for your bathing suit. Choose either a plain or patterned silk scarf that coordinates with your swimwear. Wrap the scarf around and behind your waist, holding both top ends of the sarong in front of you, and tie a knot tightly against your hips. Make another knot, again tightening to secure it. Slide the knotted side of the sarong toward your left or right hip and flatten the knotted ends against your body.
Covers for Toss Cushions
Silk scarves make attractive covers for your toss cushions. Select similarly sized cushions and scarves, place the right sides of the scarves together and sew three sides together, leaving one side open. Insert the cushion into the opening and either close the opening by hand or use a machine stitch. Cover several cushions for an array of colors on your sofa.
Frame Your Scarf
In order to protect and enjoy your vintage silk scarf, frame it. Place the scarf on a contrasting cardboard matte frame, leaving about 2 inches of the matte exposed on all four sides. Hot-glue the silk scarf to the matte and place a piece of glass the same size as the matte over the scarf. Lay the glass, matte and scarf into your frame and place another sheet of protective cardboard behind the matte. Attach a hook to the back of your frame and display your scarf on a hall or living room wall.
Scarf as Gift Wrap
The Japanese have perfected the art of furoshiki whereby they wrap colorful fabric around gifts. Lay a 2-foot-by-2-foot square silk scarf on a flat surface. Place a 10-inch bottle of wine in the center of the scarf and tie two opposite ends of the scarf in a knot above the top of the bottle. Make a loop for a handle and secure two more knots above the loop. Pull the two remaining opposite ends of the scarf upward, cross them over at the back of the bottle and bring the ends toward the front of the bottle. Knot it once, and then once again. You now have a lovely, silk gift-wrapped bottle of wine, which is an appropriate gift for almost any occasion.