Monday, May 26, 2014

Refill Butane

Butane lighters are unlike disposable lighters you can buy at the local mini-mart. Butane lights are refillable with butane, not lighter fluid. Butane canisters hold a liquid gas that is injected into the butane lighter via a port usually found on the bottom of the lighter after the lighter is prepared. A butane lighter should never be filled near heat or by someone who is smoking.


1. Use the miniature flat-tip screwdriver to turn down the flame. On the bottom of the lighter, there is a hole with a tiny screw inside. Place the screwdriver on the screw and turn clockwise.

2. Use the screwdriver to press down slightly on the port in the other hole. This is the refill port. By pressing down on the port, you will release the air that is inside of the tank, which prevents the butane from being injected into the tank.

3. Keep the lighter upside down. Shake the can of butane. Place the tip of the butane canister on the port. Push down on the canister to inject the gas into the butane lighter. The lighter will get cold, which is normal. It takes only about three to five seconds before the tank is filled.

4. Lay down the lighter to let it warm up after filling. It will take about three to four minutes.

5. Use the miniature screwdriver to turn up the flame. Place the tip on the tiny screw and turn counterclockwise. Try the lighter and make adjustments to the flame until you have the desired height.