Graco airless painting equipment provides years of reliable service.
The Graco line of professional spray guns, used with the company's commercial airless sprayers, are a commercial painter's best friend. These high-quality metal spray guns are easy to operate, simple to adjust and even easier to clean. A few steps will keep a great spray gun operating for years with minimal problems.
1. Depressurize the airless sprayer. Pump cleaning solvent through the sprayer according to the manufacturer's instructions until clean, uncontaminated solvent exits the pump and the spray hose.
2. Unplug the sprayer. Using the adjustable wrench, detach the spray gun from the spray hose. Shake any remaining solvent out of the spray gun with quick, up-and-down wrist movements.
3. Remove the spray tip holder and spray tip from the front end of the paint gun using the adjustable wrench. Immerse these pieces in a small container filled with appropriate paint solvent.
4. Using the adjustable wrench, remove the paint hose fitting from the bottom end of the paint spray gun. Drop this fitting into the small container filled with paint solvent.
5. Remove the paint filter from the stock of the paint gun. With a small, stiff bristle nylon brush, such as an old toothbrush, clean any paint particles or debris from this paint filter. Once the filter is cleaned, immerse the part in the small container of paint solvent.
6. When reassembling the spray gun, squirt one or two drops of Graco spray gun lubricating oil into the stack of the spray gun before inserting the clean paint filter. This oil will lubricate the gun's trigger valve.