Applying mime makeup takes some time and concentration to perfect.
Traditional mime makeup comprises a white base, black lines around the eyes, red or black lips and sometimes markings in black on the face. The makeup you choose to apply for your mime act can have a great impact on your performance. Applying the makeup properly takes some practice and skill. Application requires at least thirty minutes, so give yourself plenty of time to allow for mistakes. You may choose to use traditional grease-based makeup, or water-based or cake makeup.
1. Prepare your skin for the makeup by thoroughly cleansing and moisturizing it. Men should be clean-shaven prior to makeup application. Secure your hair so that it does not dangle in your face. Doing all of this will ensure that the makeup goes on smoothly.
2. Apply a white base to your entire face with your fingers, a high-quality makeup brush or a sponge. Begin by outlining your face in makeup, drawing a straight line along the bottom of your jaw. Spread makeup over your cheeks and up to about 1 inch from your hairline on your forehead. Smooth the makeup with a sponge to even it out.
3. If you are using grease-based makeup, apply powder liberally to set your base and keep it from smearing or coming off entirely. You will know that you have applied enough powder when the makeup no longer feels sticky to the touch. Dust off excess powder before proceeding.
4. Apply black liner to your eyebrows or just above them to enhance their appearance against the white base. You may use eyeliner, an eyebrow pencil or face paint to do this.
5. Line your eyes with a black charcoal pencil. You may also apply mascara if desired.
6. Draw markings on your face with a grease-based pencil if desired. Common markings include circles on the cheeks and vertical lines above and below the eyes. Some mimes also outline their face in black, just outside the white base.
7. Outline your lips with red lip liner and fill them in with red lipstick. You may also choose to line and color your lips in black, depending on the type of performance you will be giving.
8. When all of the markings on your face, including eyeliner and lipstick, are dry, powder them to seal in the color. Gently apply a light amount of powder with a brush or powder puff. Be careful not to smear the lines of your makeup.