Looking for the perfect rock is part of the fun of painting rocks.
Painting flowers can be a rewarding hobby, and painting them on rocks adds interest and portability to the paintings. If you live where rocks are abundant, you can find your rock "canvas" easily and cheaply just by going for a walk and searching the ground. Flowers lend themselves easily to the small canvas; smaller rocks can hold one bud while larger rocks can hold an entire plant or bouquet. You are limited only by your imagination.
1. Wash the rocks with warm water and a brush to remove all of the dirt. Pat the rocks dry with a towel or let them air dry.
2. Assemble your paints and rocks on newspaper so you don't get paint on your furniture. Choose the flower you wish to paint. You can take photos of flowers in your neighborhood and work from the photos or find pictures of flowers in books or online. Alternatively, you can set up your paints near flowers to paint a still life painting.
3. Draw your flower on the rock with a pen. This is just a rough sketch for you to follow with paints; it does not have to be detailed.
4. Paint on the rock with acylic paints. You can paint a background first or paint the flower on its own or in a bed of grass. The painting is entirely up to your vision and imagination. Clean the brush between colors to prevent the the colors from combing. Make sure the brush is dry before using it again.
5. Spray acrylic sealer on your finished flower painting to seal the paint on the rock. Display your painted rock, give it as a gift or sell your flower creations at an art fair.