Friday, March 28, 2014

Mississippi Performing Arts Grants

Musicians in Mississippi can apply for performing arts grants.

Mississippi is world-renowned for its role in the development of American music, especially the blues. Blues musicians and other performing artists can obtain financial support for their creative activities from grants awarded by all types of organizations. State, local and private funders work to preserve Mississippi's legacy, spur the creation of new works and expose the public to art through a wide range of grant programs.

State Funding

The state government has a long running grants program for the arts administered by the Mississippi Arts Commission. Organizations can apply for minigrants, project grants, operating grants and special initiative grants. Awards range from $100 for minigrants to as much as $25,000 for operating grants. Individual artists can also apply for minigrants as well as fellowships, apprenticeships and other grant opportunities. Performing arts teachers can apply for grants for activities on the K-12 level.

Local Government Grants

The state's largest cities have municipal arts organizations that offer all kinds of grant support to performing artists and arts organizations that serve communities. In Jackson, the Greater Jackson Arts Council funds performing arts activities of local arts and cultural organizations with awards ranging from $500 to several thousand dollars. Professional and emerging artists can also apply for $1,500 grants. The Columbus Arts Council also awards grants to organizations that plan and promote cultural activities, including performing arts, that serve the community. The Yoknapatawpha Arts Council serves the city of Oxford and Lafayette County. Its Community Arts Grant program supports organizations and activities such as Ballet Oxford, blues events, plays and concert series.

Foundations and Corporate Funding

Foundations and corporations provide grants to performing arts organizations and individuals in Mississippi. For example, the Knight Foundation, a non-profit organization funded by brothers John S. and James L. Knight, sponsors a communities grant program in areas where they owned newspapers. Biloxi is one of those communities. Performing arts organizations in the Biloxi and greater Gulfport area can apply to the foundation to support seasonal arts series and performing arts outreach programs for youth.

Community Foundation Grants

Community foundations funded by individual donors and local businesses offer grants to all types of organizations including those that produce performance arts events. The Community Foundation of Northern Mississippi, the Gulf Coast Community Foundation and the CREATE foundation in Tupelo have awarded grants to choirs, festivals, youth musical scholarship programs and more. Grants range from $100 to thousands of dollars. Some foundations provide multi-year assistance to organizations.