Lightning is fascinating.
Lightning is a form of electricity. Positive and negative charges create lightning. For example, rain, ice or snow create the negative charges within a cloud. A tree or a house can create the positive charge. The positive and negative charges attract each other, causing electricity to build up. Lightning occurs as a way of releasing the tension between the positive and negative charges.
Lightning can heat the air around it to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. That's more than five times the heat of the sun's surface. The heat surrounding lightening can cause the air to expand and vibrate. This results in thunder, the sound you hear when you see lightning strike. Lightning strikes close to where thunder is heard.
Forked lightning looks like a tree branch when it strikes. Heat lightning occurs when you can see the flashes of light, but can't hear thunder. Heat lightning usually occurs on hot days. Ball lightning appears in various colors, but this form of lightning is rare. You can hear hissing sounds or a loud exploding sound when ball lightning hits. Sheet lightning will light up a cloud when you see it. Cloud-to-ground lightning strikes tall objects such as trees. This form of lightning is dangerous, as it causes damage to homes.
When you see a flash of lightning, count until you see another flash. If you count to 30 seconds or less, this means that a storm is within six miles. Get indoors immediately, especially if you feel your hair stand on end. Avoid playing on the computer or any equipment that has electrical cords. Stay away from doors and windows, pools, trees and showers when there's lightning.
Fun Facts
A lightning bolt is 1 inch across. Lightning doesn't just occur with thunder. Lightning can occur around forest fires, volcanic eruptions and hurricanes. Lightning can strike more than once in the same place. The probability of people getting struck by lightning is 1 in 3,000. A man named Roy Sullivan was hit by lightning seven times.