Some hypnosis training uses a hypnotic spiral.
There are many theories and schools of hypnotism training. These differences can be rooted in the goals, methods, definitions or use of hypnosis or even how legitimate the training is. Research is key to getting started with hypnosis training. From there you can determine if you want to attend an actual school of hypnosis, purchase training materials in stores or online or use available information to train on your own or with a partner. Most people want to become trained hypnotists so that they can legally practice as an individual, with a group or as part of their medical practice.
Definitions and Goals
Hypnosis is usually defined as the process of relaxing the subject to the point of a trance-like state to make him susceptible to attaining a goal. The goal can be to eradicate unwanted behavior or negative thought patterns. Hypnotherapy can uncover a repressed memory or belief that's prevented the subject from dealing with issues or attaining happiness. Knowing your goals and beliefs about hypnotherapy can help match you with a compatible training source. The cost, duration of training and specialization of instruction will vary based on what you want to do with your hypnosis certification.
Most people who are serious about hypnotism train at schools specializing in the area. Various schools and materials are available to teach you hypnosis and can be conducted through online classes or at in-person brick and mortar schools. Hypnosis schools are required to be licensed by the state where they are located, and the instructors must have degrees and certifications to teach. These credentials are also important to look for in the biography of the author whose materials you consider buying. The goal of most aspiring hypnotists is to become a certified hypnotist who has the authority to counsel clients through hypnotherapy and also to teach hypnotism classes. After completing the coursework and becoming licensed by the state agency, many also want additional recognition from a chapter of a group such as The International Alliance of Professional Hypnotists, The National Guild of Hypnotist Inc. or the Council of Professional Hypnotist Organizations.
Progressive Relaxation Technique
Many hypnotism training programs begin the educational process by teaching the progressive relaxation technique, a string of instructions and suggestions. The hypnotist, in a slow, soothing voice, encourages the subject to take deep breaths and feel themselves relaxing upon exhaling. The speaker tells the subject to focus on a particular body part, then to relax that body part. The hypnotist will repeat this mantra for all major areas of the body, interspersed with positive reinforcements. When this exercise is complete, the speaker will ask the subject to open their eyes, feeling relaxed and refreshed, as they count down to five. Once hypnotist and subject have mastered this process, the stage is set to use diverse methods to work towards the goal while in this relaxed state.
Other Tools
In your hypnosis training you can also use scripts that map out what you will say. Examples of these scripts are available online and used more as a tool for beginners. Others would have the subject have their eyes open, with their eyes and mind fixed on an object during the instruction. A common object used is a hypnosis spiral, a large picture of a spiral for the subject to focus on.
Various viewpoints have listed mental concentration and focused attention, physical relaxation, heightened suggestibility, decreased peripheral awareness, heightened overall awareness and hypnotic trance as elements of hypnosis. Various methods say that signs of hypnosis can include fluttering eyelids, loosened muscles, tingling sensations, slightly twitching body parts, redness or wetness of the eyes after opening them and changes in breathing patterns and depth. These are things you can look for during your training to see if you have achieved hypnosis.