Friday, January 31, 2014

Write Thankyou Cards For Gifts

Write a proper thank-you card whenever someone gives you a gift.

When someone gives you a gift of any sort, it is proper etiquette to mail or hand-deliver a thank-you card to show your appreciation. Even if you thanked the person who gave you the gift in person when you received the gift, it is good manners to acknowledge the gift with a card. Put time and thought into the way you word your thank-you card. It is a reflection of you as a person.


1. Write a greeting to the gift giver on the inside of an appropriate card (either blank, or with a thank-you message printed on its exterior). Using blue or black ink, write "Dear" followed by the gift giver's name according to your relationship, followed by a comma.

2. Express your appreciation for the gift by stating, "Thank you so much for the (name of the gift)."

3. Describe how you plan to use the gift or why it is something you need. If the gift was cash, describe what you will buy with it or put it towards. If you were given a display item, describe how it looks in your home or office.

4. Connect with your gift giver by reflecting on the past or by bringing up the future. Say something like, "It was great catching up with you at my bridal shower," or "I'm looking forward to seeing you at the family reunion."

5. Restate your gratitude. Simply state, "Thanks again for the gift."

6. Write a closing that suits your relationship with the gift giver. Use a closing such as "Love," "Sincerely," or "Yours truly." Conclude with your name.