Friday, November 29, 2013

Tie Overhand Knots

An overhand knot is a basic knot that can form the base for other, more complicated rope work.

An overhand knot is simple and effective for a couple of reasons. It can be used to quickly prevent ropes from fraying and to begin other, more complicated knots like the water knot, overhand loop, fisherman's knot, simple noose and angler's loop. The overhand knot is also not undone overly easily like a slipknot, so it is relatively secure. A properly tied overhand knot sets you up for successful rope and knot work.


1. Straighten the rope. Stretch your length of rope so that you are holding one end in both hands and the rope is free from twists or other knots.

2. Cross one end of the rope over over a spot on the length of the rope so that there is a loop in the rope.

3. Take the end of the rope that you used to make the loop and push it through the loop that you just made.

4. Pull on both ends of the rope so that the knot tightens.