Monday, November 18, 2013

Sing For Talent Competitions At A Beauty Pageant

While it may seem like most beauty pageant contestants choose singing as their talent, it might be for a good reason. With a well chosen song and a glamorous costume, the talent competition can improve your chances of making an impact on the judges. Here's sing for a beauty pageant.


1. Choose a good song. The song you choose to compete with should help display your personality and show your vocal ability in its best possible light. Songs from musicals are popular because they allow the contestant to also showcase their acting ability while interpreting the music. Be sure to choose a song that is well within your comfortable vocal range. A song that forces you to stretch to reach the high or low notes will draw attention to your limitations and make you seem like a less talented vocalist.

2. Pay attention to choreography and staging. Unless you are singing a very sedate ballad, you should consider how you will move about the stage and use your body to interpret and accentuate the lyrics. Take your cues from the words in the song without being trite and predictable. Move with energy and purpose and make arm motions dedicated and strong, not hesitant and small. If stage movement does not come easy for you, consider enlisting the help of a professional choreographer to assist in staging your vocal number.

3. Select a stunning costume. Whether it is flowing and elegant or flashy and sassy, your costume is another valuable tool in the interpretation of your song. Make sure your costume is flattering and moves well as you perform your act.

4. Rehearse diligently. When nerves strike, you don't want to be on the stage in front of judges and an audience fumbling for lyrics. You should rehearse your song so many times that you do not have to actively think to remember the lyrics or your staging movements. This allows your mind to be only on presentation and interpretation on the day of the competition.