Thursday, October 17, 2013

Use Gallery Glass Paint

Create faux stained glass with much less effort.

Gallery Glass is a brand of glass painting products that let you create faux stained glass without the work of creating stained glass art from scratch. The paints are opaque to translucent and come in 60 shades to suit your projects. Gallery Glass paint can be applied with its built in tip on glass, Plexiglas, or acrylic. You can also use Gallery Glass leading blanks to create window clings that can be peeled off and applied to windows.


1. Decide if you are painting on glass or creating a window cling. You will need a leading blank if making a window cling.

2. Place the pattern below the glass or leading blank. Use tape to affix the pattern so that it is steady and does not move.

3. Squeeze the liquid leading over the pattern, following the lines carefully so that you are able to trace the pattern accurately on the glass or leading blank. Apply even pressure, and work on small portions so you can outline the piece properly. Let the liquid leading dry completely. This will form the boundary for the glass paint.

4. Apply Gallery Glass paint within the outline, according to the pattern. Squeeze the paint gently so that it does not squirt out in blobs. Use the built-in tip to guide you near the edges of the pattern. Use a toothpick to dispel any air bubbles in the paint, as they can cause unsightly spots in the finished piece.

5. Allow the painted design to dry for at least 24 to 48 hours before framing. If using a leading blank, let the paint dry completely and check for readiness by peeling a small part to see if the design comes off easily. Peel the design and apply on a window or mirror.