It is possible to fix some basic problems with butane lighters.
Butane lighters are extremely popular and found in nearly every grocery store and gas station. Whether you have a disposable butane lighter or a refillable lighter, you may encounter some problems from time to time. You can easily clean your lighter with some basic household items, as well as changing the type of fuel use.
1. Observe the type of butane fuel you are using. Try to buy butane that has a low oil content. High oil content in the butane will gum up the nozzle where the flame emerges. Buy your butane from a local tobacco store or a lighter retailer if possible. Avoid butane from local drug stores, as it will probably be poor quality.
2. Turn your lighter upside down. Press the refill valve down with a small screwdriver. Drain the remaining butane from the lighter. Fill the lighter with the new, higher quality butane.
3. Check the flint on your lighter. Replace the flint if it fails to spark when you strike the wheel or button.
4. Clean the flint wheel with a toothbrush. Check there is no residue or dirt on the wheel that can jam the flame nozzle.
5. Remove the flint and spring that holds it in place if the flint is not touching the flint wheel. Gently stretch the spring out a little bit by pulling its ends apart. Be careful not to over-stretch the spring or it will not fit back into its hole. Reinsert the spring and flint and try sparking the lighter again.
6. Wipe off the flame nozzle and area around it with a cotton tipped applicator. Scrape the sides to remove any residue buildup. Shut your eyes and quickly blow out the debris.