When working around automotive paint, it is easy to get paint on clothing. Paint stains can usually be removed, especially if stain removal is done before the paint completely dries. Most automotive paint is alkyd, or oil-based. The method described here is for oil-based paints. Effectively removing alkyd paint requires using paint solvents. Do not attempt this stain removal method on clothes that are dry clean only.
Paint Stain Removal
1. Blot excess, wet paint with a clean, white cloth or paper towel. Do not rub the paint into the fabric.
2. Scrape dry paint off the fabric with a metal spatula or dull knife.
3. Pad a table or counter top with clean, white cloths or paper towels.
4. Place the clothing face-down with the stained area over the padded surface.
5. Dampen a clean white cloth with a paint solvent (paint thinner, turpentine, or rubbing alcohol).
6. Pat the stain from the wrong side of the fabric with the paint solvent. Gently dab at the stain, working from the outside of the stain to the inside.
7. Move the stained area to a clean portion of the padded area as the stain begins to transfer.
8. Rinse paint solvent out of the fabric with cool water.
9. Launder the clothing with heavy-duty laundry detergent according to the instructions on the hang tag.