Thursday, September 12, 2013

Write Capital Letters A Through G In Calligraphy

Anyone can learn calligraphy and develop beautiful writing. You may take a home study course or you can buy a book about learning calligraphy. The first step is making your individual letters. Learn the capital letter and begin to master this fine art.


1. Get a special pen to write your calligraphy. You may use a felt tip pen or go to any crafts store and buy a dip pen. Buy ink to go with the dip pen.

2. Practice using your dip pen. Dip it and write. There is a bit of a knack to getting the ink just right on the paper so it does not smear. Let the paper dry before touching it.

3. Take out your calligraphy lesson book and open to the page on capital letters. View the letters A through G. Notice the formation. Look at the sub diagrams. Three main strokes form each letter. Practice these strokes.

4. Start with capital letter A. Make your strokes for letter A in your practice notebook. Make another A. Keep practicing until your letter A looks like the lesson book.

5. Proceed with capital letter B. Practice making the B. Continue with the rest of the letters one by one through G.