Monday, September 9, 2013

Use Acrylic Paints To Paint A Mural

Beautiful mural made from acrylic paint.

Acrylic paint is one of the most popular paints for artists. Acrylic paint is made from a combination of ground pigment and binder. These paints are water-based and easily wash out of brushes and most art materials. Acrylic paints dry quickly and allow the use of other media on top of the dried acrylic surface.


Material Preparation

1. Select a picture to draw for your mural. It is important to select a scene that is appropriate for the location of the mural. Then choose the surface and location to draw your mural.

2. Prepare the mural surface by wiping it down to remove dirt and dust.

3. Measure and mark the area with a charcoal pencil. Charcoal pencils are best as they do not react with the acrylic paint.

4. Tape off the area you plan to paint with masking tape. Place the dropcloth under the the painting area to prevent paint spills and splatters on the floor.

5. Cover the area you plan to paint with primer to seal it. It is easier to cover large areas with a large brush that is used for general painting. Make sure the primer is completely dry before you start painting the mural.

6. Sketch the outline of the picture with a charcoal pencil.

Painting the Mural

7. Mix the acrylic paints to the desired colors with the palette knife on your artist's palette. As acrylic paint is fast drying, use denatured alcohol to clean brushes or remove mistakes from the painting's surface.

8. Fill in your original sketch with paint using acrylic brushes. Blend and shade colors and contrast as you add detail to your mural. It is a good idea to paint larger areas first and smaller details last.

9. Let the mural dry for about one week before applying the protective varnish.