Monday, September 16, 2013

Types Of Braiding For Macrame

Macrame originated by people on the sea experimenting with mariner's knots.

Macrame is an ancient art form that derives its beauty from the use of various knots. When grouped together, these different knots create intricate patterns, often referred to as macrame braids. Beads and colorful strings can be added to accessorize these braids and give added detail. There are three basic knots that are most widely used to create macrame braids.

Half Knot

A half knot starts with four strings of the same length. Tie them together or tape them on a hard surface. Take the left string and loop it over the two middle strings. Take the right string and loop it behind the two middle string and back through the the left string to secure the knot. Pretend you are taking the first step in tying your shoelaces. When you repeat this knot, it creates a spiral down your macrame braid.

Square Knot

Just like the half knot, a square knot starts with four strings that must be tied or taped together at one end on a hard surface. This knot is similar to the first knot, only you do the half knot twice, reversing the second knot. It will look like you are creating a chain. After creating the half knot, loop the the string on the left under the two middle strings and the string on the right over the two middle strings. Again, loop them through each other to secure.

Overhand Knot

Overhand knot

The overhand knot is the most basic knot and it only requires one string. You will you this knot as a utility knot, rather than a beauty knot. Bring the bottom of the string over the top of the string. Now weave the upper, loose end behind the main portion of the string, threw the loop created. Pull tight to secure.

Advanced Knots

The following knots are examples of more advanced knots and should be practiced after getting the basics down. Most of them will require you to build on the basic three knots to create more intricate patterns. Knots include the lark's head knot, double half-hitch and flat knots.