Remove Dry Wax From Plastic Auto Trim
Waxing a car or truck is an important step in maintaining its beauty and style. But wax does not belong on certain areas of a car, including the plastic trim that surrounds the body areas. Here, the wax can leave unsightly white streaks, effectively ruining the look you're trying to maintain. Cleaning off this wax can bring your car back to its true beauty.
1. Apply wax remover to the dry wax on your plastic trim. Wax remover is available at automotive retailers. Some removers come with foam applicators; if not, apply the remover to a soft terrycloth or microfiber rag.
2. Rub the remover onto the dry wax in lines across the area until the dry wax is completely coated.
3. Allow the wax remover to sit on the dry wax for at least a minute; certain products may advise you to allow it to sit longer. This will give the remover time to break down the wax.
4. Wipe the remover and dry wax away with a clean towel. Repeat if necessary to remove any remaining wax.