Thursday, May 30, 2013

Spin Like Michael Jackson

Spin Like Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson's dance moves are some of the most well known and innovative techniques of recent years, and are great building blocks for hip hop dancers today. One technique you want to know is the spin. Michael Jackson's spin is renowned for being fast and smooth, but you can put your own touches on the one-foot spin to develop your own style.


1. Wear a pair of shoes with a slick sole to help you spin better. Men's or women's dress shoes with a smooth surface on the sole are best. Avoid rubber soles with traction. They will create too much friction and slow your technique.

2. Stand with both feet together and shift your weight to your left foot without visibly moving your body. This will prepare you for the spin.

3. Take your right leg and hold it straight out to the side of your body about a foot away from you. Hold it there momentarily, and then kick your right leg across your body bringing it back in close to the body and bending your right knee but not allowing your right foot to touch the floor.

4. Spin one fast rotation around back to your original position or continue spinning for two rotations, slowing the second rotation by bringing your right foot all the way back down to the floor and dragging your toe on the ground to slow your motion.

5. Add a slow turn by spinning on the heel of your left foot and the toe of your right foot, which will allow you to slow your motion and do one spin at a slow, steady rate.

6. Personalize your spin by changing the number of times you spin, how fast you spin, and your arm and leg positions as you spin and when you finish.