Even though the Microsoft Paint software program is considered merely a basic option of the Windows operating system bundle and Microsoft Word offers a word processing interface, both programs provide a way for you to tweak images. Neither may be as fully loaded as a for-a-fee graphics design program, but the smaller image results will be just as clear and free of distortion as if you had used an expensive graphics program.
Using Paint
1. Open Paint. Click the Paint button in the top-left corner of the work area and select "Open." Browse to the image to shrink and double-click the file name.
2. Click the "Resize" button on the toolbar. Check the "Maintain aspect ratio box" if it is not already checked.
3. Click the "Percentage" radio button if it is not already selected.
4. Type the new reduction amount, such as "80" to shrink the picture to 80 percent of its original size, into the "Horizontal" box. Paint automatically enters the number for the "Vertical" box.
5. Click "OK" and Paint shrinks the image.
Using Word
6. Open Word. Click the "Insert" tab.
7. Click the "Picture" button. Browse to the image to shrink and double-click the name of the picture.
8. Click once on the picture to highlight it. Press and hold down the "Shift" button on the keyboard.
9. Drag a corner of the picture in toward its middle, shrinking it without distortion.