Monday, May 6, 2013

See Showgirl Shows In Las Vegas

See Showgirl Shows in Las Vegas

The lavish costumes and suggestive dances of Las Vegas showgirls have drawn in millions of visitors over the years. Showgirl shows in Las Vegas range from topless performances in the late night hours to tamer versions with traditional dancing outfits. You can see showgirl shows in Las Vegas by planning ahead and finding the right show for you.


1. Partake in a traditional showgirl performance in Las Vegas before they disappear entirely. These shows focus on big head dresses, lavish outfits and an older style of dancing that started in the 1950s and 1960s. The best bet for traditional shows are large venues at Bally's and the Tropicana.

2. Determine the minimum age for showgirl productions in Las Vegas before you purchase tickets. Topless shows that do not serve alcohol allow ticket holders over 18, while nude shows or performances that serve a full range of alcohol strictly enforce a minimum age of 21.

3. Catch a glimpse of the process of putting on a showgirl performance with an all-access pass at a premium price. Larger production groups and casinos offer fans an opportunity to meet individual showgirls before they take their seats. These tickets must be purchased in advance and often run twice the cost of regular admission.

4. Increase your exposure to showgirl shows in Las Vegas by purchasing tickets for back-to-back performances. Most casinos run early and late evening shows to draw in a diverse audience in need of a break from gambling. You can see 2 high-paced performances for a discounted rate by contacting the theater months in advance.

5. Build the rest of your Las Vegas vacation around showgirl shows. Shows tend to be located near casinos, restaurants and other entertainment that lets you discover a microcosm of Las Vegas in one evening.

6. Diversify your showgirl experience by mixing traditional shows at one theater and risque numbers at another theater. Every showgirl show is distinct from the competition and allows you to see stories told in a variety of ways.

7. Look for discounted prices for showgirl shows through your hotel. These shows are sponsored by businesses within Las Vegas and there is often a corporate tie-in between hotels, restaurants and entertainment owned by these businesses.