Monday, March 25, 2013

Uses For Packing Peanuts

There are several eco-friendly uses for packing peanuts.

Packing peanuts are items you probably don't think about until you need them, and when you need them, you don't want to buy them. But when they're used to their maximum potential, you get your money's worth every time. They have several uses you may not know about, so instead of disregarding packing peanuts once you are finished with them, reuse them for another project.

Packing Boxes

The most common function of packing peanuts is to pack fragile items in boxes for shipping, because they provide a cheap, effective cushion. Put the item in a cardboard box, then fill the space around it with packing peanuts. Fill the box all the way to the top and then tape it closed. If packed properly, the item shouldn't move when the box is moved.

House Plants

Leftover packing peanuts can be used to preserve the life of your potted house plants. Sprinkle a layer of peanuts in the bottom of a flower pot before you put the soil in, and the peanuts will serve as a sponge of sorts, soaking up excess old water so you can put fresh water in daily. They're also good for the roots of your plants and allow you to use less potting soil.

Air Freshener

A good inexpensive way to deodorize a room is to put some packing peanuts in a bowl and spritz them with your favorite perfume or cologne. This is an effective replacement for potpourri, and you are recycling in the process.

Pet Cushions

To provide a little extra cushion for your dog's or cat's bed, stuff a bunch of packing peanuts into an old zippered pillow and put it into your pet's kennel or bed. This will save you money on blankets and extra pillows, and allow you to recycle the peanuts.