Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Remove Rust Stains From Auto Paint

Most auto paint is developed to prevent rust from forming. With the right paint job, a car can look new for years. But at some point, rust can form where paint has chipped off or where there are dents or scratches. Removing rust from metal is a part of car maintenance. There are a few ways to get rid of the rust without damaging the paint job.


1. Use a steel wool pad to scrape off surface rust.

2. Spray a small amount of water-displacing spray, such as WD-40 or a generic version, onto the rust stains. Wait 10 to 20 minutes. Then, using the steel wool, scrub off the rust. Wipe the areas with a damp paper towel or cloth to remove the rust and the spray. Dry the auto.

3. If the rust stains remain, put a small amount of rust remover on them. Wait a few minutes. Wipe off rust and remover using a paper towel. Wipe the auto clean with a damp paper towel or cloth. Rust removers are helpful in getting rid of rust quickly, as they contain acids that dissolve the rust. These rust removers are best for rust stains that are difficult to remove.