Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rules For A Silent Auction Basket

A silent auction can be a great fundraiser.

Silent auctions can be fun and are a good way to raise money for an organization. All silent auction items are donated; therefore, the cost to the organization having the auction is minimal. While rules for each auction vary, it helps to have a basic understanding of what is and what is not allowed at silent auctions.

Items to be Auctioned

The individual items donated to a silent auction can vary, but limits may be set by the organization. Some silent auctions are theme oriented. For example, a silent auction to raise money for a children's playground may have a "kids" theme. This means that everything for sale at the auction will be for children. Some auctions have rules of what items cannot be auctioned. These usually include personal objects. A description of each item to be bid on must be provided to bidders either on the bid sheet or in plain view next to the item itself.

Bidders and Bids

Since the bid is a legal agreement between the bidder and the auctioneer, all bidders must be at least 18 years old. A bidder must put his name (and bidding number if provided one) on the bid sheet along with the amount he wishes to bid. Names, bid numbers and bid amounts must be legible. Each bid must be higher than the previous one. Sometimes the minimum amount a bid can be raised is predetermined. Bidders are not allowed to scratch off, erase or otherwise remove the name and bid of another person. Bids cannot be made after an item is closed.

Winning Bids

Sometimes items have different close times, and sometimes all items in the auction close at the same time. Either way, at the close, the item goes to the highest bidder. Usually, items must be paid for immediately and in cash. However, some auctions accept checks, money orders or credit cards.


If a conflict arises (such as identification of who the winning bidder is or if unfair tactics on the part of a bidder have been used), a member of the auction committee will determine the outcome of the controversy. All bidders must abide by the decision of the committee member.

Miscellaneous Rules

At the discretion of the auction committee, other rules can apply to silent auctions. These may include the use of a blue or black ink pen for bid sheets, time limits for removing items won, personal identification required to participate and a list of personal property that may not be brought into the auction room. Additionally, there is often a disclaimer that states that the bidder must accept the item "as is" and dissolves the auction committee from any liability.