Lumix Simple Viewer is developed for Panasonic's digital camera lineup.
Lumix Simple Viewer is a Windows software application developed by Panasonic and distributed with many of its digital cameras. The best resource for dealing with installation problems is the support section of the Panasonic website.
Installation Doesn't Start
If the installation file won't launch at all, the launch file may be corrupted or incomplete. Download the latest version of the program from the Panasonic website, reboot and try again. It's possible that some form of virus or spyware is preventing the installation -- scan your machine with a competent antimalware application.
Installation Doesn't Complete
If the installation crashes or hangs part way through, this can also suggest a corrupted or incomplete launch file, in which case you'll need to download the latest version from the Panasonic website. Try running the software in administrator mode. Right-click the launch file and choose "Run as Administrator." This will give the setup program full access to Windows during the installation.
Program Isn't Fully Installed
If the installation finishes but Lumix Simple Viewer doesn't run correctly, a missing component or damaged settings file could be the problem. Completely uninstall the software from your PC, download the latest version from the Panasonic website and then start the process again.